Support for JavaScript and JScript Objects in Opera
現在、試験的にOperaは一部の例外を除き、JScriptのサブセットはもちろんJavaScript 1.4もサポートしています。OperaはUser AgentをMicrosoft Internet Explorerと設定した場合のみJScriptのプロパティをサポートします。これはFile > Preferences > Connections > Browser identificationから"Identify as MSIE 5.0"とすることによって設定できます。
- Object
Group (JavaScript or JScript property or JavaScript method)
- property
- array[ ]
- method()
- Supported in Opera 4
- Supported in Opera 5
- Supported in Opera 6
- No support
- Property having quirks in Opera
JavaScript and JScript objects
- Button
JavaScript properties
- Checkbox
JavaScript properties
- checked
- defaultChecked
- value
- Document
JavaScript properties
- alinkColor
- anchors[]
- applets[]
- bgColor
- body
- cookie
- domain
- embeds[]
- fgColor
- forms[]
- images[]
- lastModified
- linkColor
- links[]
- location
- plugins[]
- referrer
- title
- vlinkColor
JScript properties
JavaScript methods
- clear()
- close()
- open()
- write()
- writeln()
- {event}
JavaScript properties
- altKey
- cancelBubble
- clientX
- clientY
- ctrlKey
- currentTarget
- data
- height
- modifiers
- pageX
- pageY
- screenX
- screenY
- shiftKey
- target
- type
- which
JScript properties
- srcElement
- keyCode
- x
- y
- offsetX
- offsetY
JavaScript methods
- preventDefault()
- stopPropagation()
- FileUpload
JavaScript properties
- Form
JavaScript properties
- action
- elements[]
- elements.length
- encoding
- length
- method
- name
- target
JavaScript methods
- Hidden
JavaScript properties
- History
JavaScript properties
JavaScript methods
- {HTML Collection}
This is returned by all methods that should return a list of elements,
eg. document.links.
JavaScript properties
JavaScript methods
- {HTML Element}
JavaScript properties
- offsetParent
- offsetLeft
- offsetTop
- tagName
- parentNode
- style
- [attributes]
JScript properties
- all[]
- children[]
- className
- document
- parentElement
JavaScript methods
- contains()
- getAttribute()
- getElementsByTagName()
- setAttribute()
- setAttributeNode()
- Image
JavaScript properties
- border
- height
- hspace
- lowsrc
- name
- src
- vspace
- width
- Input
JavaScript properties
- checked
- defaultChecked
- defaultValue
- form
- length
- name
- options[]
- selectedIndex
- type
- value
JavaScript methods
- blur()
- click()
- focus()
- select()
- Link
JavaScript properties
- hash
- host
- hostname
- href
- pathname
- port
- protocol
- search
- target
- text
- Location
JavaScript properties
- hash
- host
- hostname
- href
- pathname
- port
- protocol
- search
JavaScript methods
- Navigator
JavaScript properties
- appCodeName
- appName
- appVersion
- language
- mimeTypes[]
- platform
- plugins
- userAgent
JavaScript methods
- javaEnabled()
- taintEnabled()
- Opera
JavaScript methods
- Option
JavaScript properties
- defaultSelected
- index
- selected
- text
- value
- Password
JavaScript properties
- Plugin
No support
- Radio
JavaScript properties
- checked
- defaultChecked
- value
- Reset
JavaScript properties
- Screen
JavaScript properties
- availHeight
- availWidth
- colorDepth
- height
- pixelDepth
- width
- Select
JavaScript properties
- length
- options
- selectedIndex
- Type
- Style
The complete list will be in the DOM2 Style specifications to be completed later.
JavaScript properties
- background
- backgroundColor
- backgroundImage
- color
- top (can only set pixels)
- left (can only set pixels)
- pixelTop
- pixelLeft
- pixelWidth
- pixelHeight
- visibility
- zIndex
- Text
JavaScript properties
- Textarea
JavaScript properties
- window
JavaScript properties
- closed
- defaultStatus
- document
- frames[]
- history
- innerHeight
- innerWidth
- java
- location
- locationbar
- length
- name
- navigator
- opener
- opera
- outerHeight
- outerWidth
- pageXOffset
- pageYOffset
- parent
- screen
- self
- status
- top
- window
- [frame name]
- [form or image element name]
JavaScript methods
- alert()
- blur()
- clearInterval()
- clearTimeout()
- close()
- confirm()
- focus()
- name()
- moveBy()
- moveTo()
- open()
- print()
- prompt()
- resizeBy
- resizeTo()
- scrollBy
- scrollTo()
- setInterval()
- setTimeout()
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