

next-update - Tests if module's dependencies can be updated to latest version
  version: 0.4.5
  author: {"name":"Gleb Bahmutov","email":""}
checking if the current state works
  npm test
current state works
module's current dependencies:
package   available
--------  ---------
js-yaml   2.1.3
nodeunit  0.8.2

checking NPM registry

available updates:
package   available
--------  ---------
js-yaml   3.0.2
nodeunit  0.9.0

update stats from

testing js-yaml@3.0.2
could not get update stats js-yaml
  installing js-yaml@3.0.2
js-yaml@3.0.2 installed successfully
  npm test
js-yaml@3.0.2 works
  installing js-yaml@2.1.3
js-yaml@2.1.3 installed successfully

testing nodeunit@0.9.0
could not get update stats nodeunit
  installing nodeunit@0.9.0
nodeunit@0.9.0 installed successfully
  npm test
nodeunit@0.9.0 works
  installing nodeunit@0.8.2
nodeunit@0.8.2 installed successfully

next updates:
js-yaml 3.0.2
nodeunit 0.9.0
Use the following command to install working versions
npm install --save js-yaml@3.0.2
npm install --save-dev nodeunit@0.9.0

